Student Guidelines
Smart School Guidelines for Discipline and Safety
Smart School is an institution committed to teaching and nurturing students in a disciplined and safe environment. To maintain harmony, we request parents to explain the following rules to their children and help them understand their importance in fostering a respectful and orderly community:
Guidelines for Students
1. Punctuality
Students using private transport must arrive at the school at least five minutes before the bell rings.
2. Cleanliness and Attire
Students must always
maintain cleanliness and be neatly dressed.
The school uniform is mandatory on all working days.
3. Personal Grooming
Girls should refrain from applying nail polish during school sessions. Nails must be trimmed at least once a week.
4. Avoiding Valuables
Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school.
5. Prohibited Items
Mobile phones, iPods, cameras, Gold Ornaments and similar electronic gadgets are not allowed on the school campus. If found, these items will be confiscated.
6. Labeling Belongings
Students must clearly label their belongings with their name, class, and section.
7. Respect for Property
Students must take care of the school property and avoid any damage. Writing on walls, damaging furniture, or tampering with others belongings is strictly prohibited.
Any damage caused must be reported to the class teacher or administration immediately. The cost of repairs will be borne by the responsible student.
8. Conduct and Behavior
The school reserves the right to suspend or expel students whose behavior is detrimental to others or the institution.
Students must uphold the values and ethics of the school, as their behavior reflects their education.
9. Fee Payment Guidelines
Tuition fees must be paid on or before the due date specified by the school.
Late payments may attract
penalties as per the schools fee policy.
Parents are kindly requested to adhere to the payment schedule to avoid inconvenience.
10. Identity Cards
Students must wear their identity cards every day without fail.
11. Uniform and Appearance
Students must be neatly dressed in the prescribed school uniform on all working days.
No exceptions will be
allowed in this regard.
Uniforms will be inspected during assembly or at any point by the staff or student council. Non-compliance will result in disciplinary action.
12. School Essentials
Every student must bring their school diary, tiffin, napkin, and handkerchief daily.
13. Language and Behavior
Students should always speak in English within the school premises to enhance language skills.
Discipline and good manners are to be maintained at all times, both in and outside the classroom.
Guidelines for Parents
1. Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM)
Attendance at PTMs is
mandatory as per the schedule provided in the school almanac. These meetings
foster better collaboration between parents and teachers.
2. Mutual Respect
Parents must treat the
school staff with respect and dignity.
Any concerns or issues should be addressed calmly and resolved in a cordial and constructive manner.
By following these principles, we ensure a safe, respectful, and thriving educational environment for everyone.
By adhering to these guidelines, students will contribute to a positive, safe, and disciplined school environment. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the smooth functioning of the school community.
Thank You